Saturday, March 27, 2010

Can Women do it? Maybe!

Jessica Watson can do anything! Something just happened (read about it in
the book!)that has possibly made me change my mind about Women on Talisker
Bounty Boat. I will keep this very short. If you are a woman and think you
have what it takes to be part of this adventure, then get in touch fast! To
all the women in the past who I said no..sorry..I may be prepared to change
my mind? Life is like that!!!


magpie said...

Good to see Jessica pushing the boundaries for womenhood in Bligh's world. Hoo roo ☺

Bob from Seattle said...

I thought Stuart was back-up crew? Did I miss something said to change that position like he decided against it?

Don, what lead to the change in clothing as it seemed that might have pushed Pete into the not-going category?

Richard in Maryland said...

The Plastiki crew has a woman captain. They are sailing a catamaran made of plastic bottles from San Francisco to Sydney. It is called adventure ecology.
I wonder what you are alluding to with Jesse? It's good she kept things from the blog, so that her book will have surprises!


Kissyfrott said...

And Jessica said herself she is a normal size average teenager... If you listen to her, any woman should do it! But she disguised the truth a little, she is definitely not average. I am sure you can find a good new crew member, and the gender is probably not an issue. It's the inner stuff that counts. Sorry for Pete, but I respect his decision, it is totally personal. Good luck and get the fourth person soon; without, how could you play cards during the stormy nights?